Make Denver’s Choice Your Choice in Felony Defense Attorneys

A skillful defense attorney often succeeds in convincing prosecutors to lessen felony charges, such as felony drug possession, to misdemeanor charges. In the case of a felony conviction, the defense lawyer may argue that the specific felony classification should be lowered.

The Denver criminal defense attorneys at Hernandez & Associates, P.C., regularly go to trial when representing people charged with a felony. Our lawyers work as a team and are devoted to seeking justice for our clients from the beginning to the end.

Call us to discuss your case at 303-536-5134.

What Crimes Are Classified As Felonies?

In general, felony crimes are those crimes that, upon conviction, will result in a year or more of prison time. Differentiation between a misdemeanor and felony case may depend on the amount of drugs involved or on whether or not a weapon was used in connection with a crime such as assault or theft.

Felonies may include:

  • Robbery
  • Theft
  • Sex offenses
  • Murder
  • Arson
  • Drug offenses
  • Crimes against children
  • Violent crimes
  • Aggravated assault
  • Felony DUI

How Are Felonies Classified?

Federal felony crimes are classified from A to E, with each level referring to the length of time a convicted person will be sentenced to prison. For example, a Class B felony conviction at the federal level will result in 25 years or more of prison. A Class A felony conviction will result in a lifetime prison sentence or in some cases, the death penalty.

State felony crimes in Colorado, on the other hand, are classified by number. A Class Two felony in is punishable by eight to 24 years in prison and a fine of $5,000 to $1 million. A Class Five felony in Colorado will result in one to three years in prison and a fine of more than $10,000 but less than $100,000.

Free Consultation About Your Case

Contact us in Denver at 303-536-5134 or email us to schedule a consultation regarding a white collar crime case. Our attorneys offer free, 30-minute consultations


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